Simple Curtain Cleaning Tips for Different Types of Stains

Curtains are an important part of your home décor. Unfortunately, they don’t remain safe from stains and spots. Accidental spills and ignorance can leave your beautiful curtains stained and ugly. In such a situation, availing of professional services for curtain cleaning Brisbane becomes necessary.
Many a time, people try to save their curtains using general cleaning techniques. But, you should know that different stains need to be cleaned using different techniques. Moreover, you can save your curtains from developing rigid stains, with your quick actions without hiring a professional curtain cleaning Brisbane.
So, let’s take a look at the simple tips that can be used for cleaning different stains!
Blood Stain
A bloodstain is among the most difficult kind of stains. It can easily spread across the curtains, dry up quickly and leave a permanent mark.
For removing blood spots from the curtains, it is best that you act quickly. Blot the stains away using cold water, so it disappears. You can keep your curtains soaked in water for 30 minutes, in case the stain is not fresh.
Use some stain remover to get rid of the curtain stains. Let your curtains dry for a while and check if it appears flawless.
Beer Stain
There’s one thing about beer that it doesn’t just leave stains on your curtains but also releases an odor that stinks up your curtains and house.
For getting rid of beer stains, you should blot away the liquid using a sponge. In the next step, mix some vinegar with distilled water and apply it to the stains. This will not only remove the stains but is also effective in eliminating curtain odors.
Chocolate Stain
While liquid chocolate may look like a scary accident to your curtains, it is not. Just wait for the stains to dry out so you can remove the chocolate in one go. Use a blunt knife for scraping off the chocolate.
Now, you may see mild spots on the curtain that needs to be cleaned. Just mix some warm water and detergent and blot the stain with the solution. Let the curtain dry naturally and see the result.
Greasy Stain
Greasy stains are another difficult category of stains. For treating greasy stains, use laundry detergent along with warm water. Blot the stain gently. If the stains are small, you can let your curtains dry naturally.
However, in case your curtains have bigger stains, consider washing them in the machine. Avoid throwing them in the dryer as the fabric can get wrinkled. Let it air dry.
Urine Stain
If you have a pet at home, there are chances that you may have to deal with urine stains. Bloat away as much liquid as you can using a sponge or blotting paper. Now, mix water with liquid detergent, vinegar, and any essential oil you may have at home.
Apply the solution to the stains, so the spots can vanish and the odor can be eliminated.
Tea/Coffee Stain
Coffee and stains are hard to remove once they dry out. That’s why it is important to treat the stain as soon as it happens.
Just mix some distilled water along with vinegar and liquid soap. Apply the solution to the stain and check if the spots vanish.
Make-up Stains
Lipstick stains, nail paint, and other makeup products can be greasy and colorful at the same time. For removing make-up stains you can use alcohol. Bloat the stain away and check if the stains are gone.
Feel free in using spot remover for cleaning the spots on the curtains. The store-bought stain remover is effective in eliminating stains from the curtains.
Chewing Gum
For removing gum from curtains, you need to place some ice cubes on the stain. Let the gum harden so you can remove it easily.
Just scrape off the chewing gum using a blunt knife. Feel free in using a stain remover for treating any stain that may remain on the curtain.
Final Word
Now you know how to remove different curtain stains at home. Make sure you act quickly and get your problem resolved. Feel free in hiring experts in case the task is too much or for curtain mould removal Brisbane.