Common Solar Panel Problems

Most of the modern solar panels that are built today are designed to withstand the harshest conditions and to continuously generate energy over decades of use. Like all types of electronics, a solar system will eventually fail. Keeping an eye out for common solar panel problems can make sure that you can handle the appropriate maintenance as it comes up and make sure that your system can stay up and running. Here are some of the most common solar panel problems:

Inverter Failure

Your solar panel inverter is one of the most likely components in your solar system to fail. The solar inverter will cause the system to shut down and block the panels from producing usable energy. Solar panels are built to last for decades at a time but most inverters last between 8-25 years. Many companies offer replacement warranties on their inverters to ensure that you can have a working system in place over the next 25 years or the full life of your solar panels.

Damage To Wiring

The wires can also hold the system up from producing energy. When wires are damaged due to UV radiation, storms, pests, or other reasons, they can disrupt power to your home or batteries. All wires need to be appropriately encased and built to withstand various weather conditions.

Loss In Efficiency

Efficiency loss can occur when the panels fall out of position and as the panels slowly degrade over time. Solar panels naturally lose their efficiency as dirt and grime build-up. Professional cleaning can assist with this, but after years of use, it is not always easy to maintain 100{d2862e6e2d69dd67fc7e121421cd8c1e934bb4a7696309954b9c432b55e5f955} efficiency.

Component Failure For Communication

Tracking solar panel performance can sometimes be the cause of a failure. When the positioning tools or system components malfunction, this can lead to power not being generated, the panels not moving to optimal positions, and more.

Contact our staff today and we can perform a professional inspection or repair on your solar system to keep it operating at peak efficiency.

This post was written by Daniel Massaad, owner and expert solar technician at Energy Solutions Direct! ESD is the top choice for Tampa Bay Solar! Our licensed and certified contractors are masters of their craft; with years of experience servicing the great Tampa Bay area and beyond, the choice is simple. ESD excels at offering you the best in solar value!