A Comprehensive Guide on Fireplace Cleaning

Do you want to find out how to clean your fireplace and keep it looking breathtaking? A functional fireplace means a warm and blazing fire, a cozy blanket, a cup of hot chocolate, and some playing cards. All you have to do is get that firewood out, light the fire and relax. A functional fireplace has to be regularly cleaned and maintained irrespective of whether it is being used or not. A fireplace won’t last long if it isn’t properly cleaned.
It is essential to know how to clean a fireplace as a creosote buildup is dangerous and a potential fire hazard. Cleaning a fireplace isn’t all that difficult. Yes, it’s a dirty job, but not everything is easy in life. The CSIA recommends that a homeowner always have an annual inspection and cleaning down by a certified chimney sweep. However, one should also know how to clean their fireplaces themselves. Before getting down and dirty, it would be better to wear some old clothes and gloves.
Step-by-Step Guide on Fireplace Cleaning
Here we will be providing you with a comprehensive guide on how to clean a fireplace. However, one thing you need awareness of is that fireplace and chimney cleaning is not a one-size-fits-all approach.
Prepare & Sweep the Room
This is the very first step before starting anything. You need to move all the furniture, rugs, carpets, and everything else away from the fireplace. Once you start cleaning the chimney and the fireplace, it’s going to get dusty. Cover the floor with dust sheets and newspaper and empty the ashes and the unburnt firewood or coal from the hearth into the bucket. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the fireplace or sweep it clean.
Getting rid of the ashes first will give you a better idea of what is going on inside the fireplace.How to get rid of the debris on the fireplace and chimney walls? Spray the walls with 1:1 vinegar and warm water mixture to clean the bricks. Scrub with a brush and let it dry out on its own.
Fire Bricks: Repair or Replenish
Check the firebricks in the back and sides of the hearth. While badly deteriorated bricks can only be replaced, those with cracks and chips need fire cement for repairs. The brick must stay dry and dust-free at all times. It would be best to use a knife to push the cement in place and then light to fire to cure the brick.
Clean the Surrounding Ceramic Tiles
Use warm soapy water to clean the tiles on the hearth, and use a nylon scourer or a bristle scrubbing brush to clean. While cracked or chipped tiles can be repaired using an adhesive, it is always better to go for fireplace remodeling if a complete turnabout is required.
Grout Cleaning
Grout can be cleaned with an old toothbrush. Missing grout can be replaced, though one needs to check if it is suitable for surfaces exposed to high temperatures, such as the fireplace or the chimney.
Remove Stubborn Stains
You cleaned the fireplace and tried removing the stains, but they are still there? What should you do now? Try applying a commercial tile cleaner and leave it there for an hour or two so that it can melt the dirt. After an hour or two, scrub the tile again using a scourer or a bristle brush and clean with warm soapy water. Let it dry, then polish it with a soft cotton fabric to restore its shine. Be careful when buying a proprietary tile cleaner in the hands of an unprofessional person; these can cause more harm than good. In such situations, it is always better to hire a professional and licensed chimney sweep to do the job for you.
Creative Masonry & Chimney has been in this industry for over 20 years. They are the best masonry, fireplace, and chimney cleaning, repair, maintenance, replacement, and remodeling service providers in Central Connecticut. The company also provides chimney sweep services. It should be your go-to company for fireplace remodeling, installation, and upgrades in Hartford, Simsbury, Granby, and the surrounding areas.
About The Author
The author Kim Hart is an expert in fireplace installations and renovations. She has some ten years of experience in the field, and currently works with Creative Masonry & Chimney. She loves catching up on her reading list and playing with her dog Bam in her free time. Her peers call her a fireplace guru.